Land Rover Discovery Owners & Service Manuals

Land Rover Discovery: Rear Disc Brake Brake Disc (G1785109) / Removal and Installation

Land Rover Discovery (2009–2016) Service Manual / Chassis / Chassis-Brake-System / Rear Disc Brake Brake Disc (G1785109) / Removal and Installation





Removal steps in this procedure may contain installation details.

Connect the diagnostic tool and set the electronic park brake (EPB) to the maintenance position.


This step is only required if the diagnostic tool is not available.

Refer to: Electronic Parking Brake Service Mode Activation and Deactivation (206-05 Parking Brake and Actuation, General Procedures).


This step is only required if the vehicle has no battery power.

Refer to: Electronic Parking Brake Release When the Vehicle Has No Electrical Power (206-05 Parking Brake and Actuation, General Procedures).


Make sure to support the vehicle with axle stands.

Raise and support the vehicle.

Refer to: Wheel and Tire (204-04 Wheels and Tires, Removal and Installation).

Rear disc brake brake disc (G1785109) removal and installation


Discard the bolts.

Rear disc brake brake disc (G1785109) removal and installation

Tie aside with a suitable tie strap.

Renew Part: Brake caliper carrier bolts.

Torque: 110 Nm

Rear disc brake brake disc (G1785109) removal and installation

Torque: 35 Nm



Make sure that the mating faces are clean and free of foreign material.

Rear disc brake brake disc (G1785109) removal and installation

  1. Clean the brake disc using brake cleaning fluid.


Install new brake caliper anchor plate retaining bolts.

  1. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
  2. Depress the brake pedal several times, check the fluid level in the brake fluid reservoir and top-up with brake fluid if necessary.
  3. Calibrate the electric parking brake (EPB) using the diagnostic tool.


This step is only required if the diagnostic tool is not available.

  1. Refer to: Electronic Parking Brake Service Mode Activation and Deactivation (206-05 Parking Brake and Actuation, General Procedures).


This step is only required if the vehicle has no battery power.

  1. Refer to: Electronic Parking Brake Release When the Vehicle Has No Electrical Power (206-05 Parking Brake and Actuation, General Procedures).


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