Land Rover Discovery Owners & Service Manuals

Land Rover Discovery: Solvents, Sealants and Adhesives



Always handle all solvents, sealers and adhesives with extreme care.

Some contain chemicals or give off fumes which can be dangerous to health. Always follow the manufacturers instructions. If in doubt about any substance, particularly a solvent, DO NOT use it.


If in doubt about the suitability of any proprietary solvent or sealer for a particular application, contact the manufacturer of the product for information.

The Health and Safety Precautions subsection refers to some commonly used chemicals and materials, hazards associated with their use, and safety measures to be taken. Some of these chemicals may be included as an ingredient in a sealer or adhesive.


Certain procedures in this manual involve the use of sealants during installation of components. Where a sealant is required, the application, together with the Land Rover part number is given in the General Specification at the start of each section and an instruction that a sealant must be used appears in the relevant repair procedure.

It is essential that the sealant(s) specified for a particular procedure are used, DO NOT use any other sealant.

Always remove traces of old sealant using a plastic scraper or suitable solvent, never use emery cloth or metal scrapers.


Whenever a procedure involves the use of an adhesive, the adhesive specified must be used and the manufacturer's instructions regarding application together with any health and safety precautions must be followed.

Special Tool Glossary


Special service tools have been developed to facilitate removal, dismantling and assembly of mechanical components in a cost effective and time efficient manner. The use of such special tools also helps prevent the potential for damage to components.

Some operations described in this manual cannot be carried out properly without the aid of the relevant service tools.


     Standard Workshop Practices

     Vehicle in Workshop

    When working on a vehicle in the workshop always make sure that: Where practicable, the parking brake is applied and the wheels are securely chocked to prevent the vehicle moving forwards or backwa

     General Installation Instructions

    COMPONENT REMOVAL Whenever possible, clean components and the surrounding area before removal. Blank off openings exposed by component removal. Following disconnection, seal fuel, oil or hydraulic


     Daytime Running Lamps / Diagnosis and Testing

    PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION For a detailed description of the Daytime Running Lamps, refer to the relevant Description and Operation section in the workshop manual. REFER to: Daytime Running Lamps (417-04 Daytime Running Lamps, Description and Operation). INSPECTION AND VERIFICATION CAUTION: Diagnosis b

     Diesel engined vehicles

    Use only high quality diesel fuel, according to EN590 or equivalent. These vehicles are capable of running with up to a 7% blend of bio-diesel, in accordance with the European Standard EN590. It is not recommended to use a higher blend of bio-diesel. The quality and specification of diesel fuel vari

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