Land Rover Discovery: High Strength Steels
Most modern vehicles are constructed from a number of different steels,
partly to obtain an optimized body, (collision, safety, rigidity, fuel economy,
Steels are divided into several groups according to their tensile and yield
strength, that is to say the force necessary to bring about plastic
deformation of the material.
Yield Summary
Yield is the strength at which the metal changes from elastic to plastic in
behavior, the point of no return.
Tensile Summary
Tensile strength is the breaking strength of a material when subjected to a
tensile (stretching) force, the point of no return.
Dual Phase (DP) steel falls into both the VHSS and EHSS classifications,
dependent on grade of DP.
Welding Ultra High Strength Steel
Ultra high strength steel requires welding equipment which can achieve the
following equipment settings.
Spot Welding
Information to follow.
MIG Brazing
When mig-brazing use the following type of welder meeting the
specifications shown: Fronius Trans Plus Synergic 2700 4 R/Z/AL MIG
Welder, with CuSi3 (DIN 1733) 1.0mm filler wire with setting parameters 4,
which is 92 Amps, Wire feed 4.6 m/min. Shielding gas L1 = pure Argon (DIN
- The addition of Boron, for the side panel reinforcement "ring
frame", and DP600 to the rear of the front side member, gives the
body greater strength in a front or side impact.
- Steel, (including Bake Hardened (BH) and High Strength Low Alloy
(HSLA), these are used in seat belt anchorages, hinge
reinforcements and various small brackets and mountings
- The size of the slots are to be 20mm x 8mm and 30mm apart. Slots
should be installed in accordance with this spacing. Where this is
not possible, due to the indents in the panel, the slot should be
made in the location of the original spot weld.
- Mig brazing is carried out at a temperature of 650ºC to 950ºC. To
avoid degradation of the ultra high strength steel material
properties, the temperature must be below 950ºC.
Dress the surface of the weld cap (brazed slot) with 60/80 grit belt sanders.
The design of the modern motor vehicle attempts to overcome two
conflicting needs:
- Fuel economy - lighter, aerodynamic and fuel sensitive technology
- High levels of comfort - this often equates to higher specifications and
more accessories
Aluminum alloy is the ideal material to meet these demands; it provides a
lighter vehicle body. Aluminum is different from traditional steel, with the
correct knowledge and suitable tools it is easily repaired.
There are two aluminum alloys discussed in this manual, the attributes
detailed in the following table should be considered when deciding to
repair or replace:
Plastics: Used in the front fender and in front fender support bracket.
Composite: Used in tailgate.
General notes
Exact diagnosis of the extent of the damage enables proper repair
All body repairs must be carried out in accordance with the guidelines
this Body Repair Manual.
Measuring options
Comparison measurements can also be made on the outside of the body.
Depending on the damage, comparison measurements and diagonal
measurements can be carried out using compass,
Self-Piercing Rivets are
available in various sizes dependent on the size of
the stack of panels to which they are fitted. A stack refers to the combined
gauge of the panels being riveted.
It i
To avoid accidental deployment and possible personal injury,
backup power supply must be depleted before repairing or
replacing any air bag supplemental restraint system (SRS)
components. To deplete the backup power supply energy,
disconnect the battery ground cable and
Some illustrations may show the transmission removed for clarity.
Some variation in the illustrations may occur, but the essential
information is always correct.
Refer to: Air Cleaner (303-12B Intake Air Distribution and Filtering -
INGENIUM I4 2.0L Diesel, Remo