Land Rover Discovery Owners & Service Manuals

Land Rover Discovery: Electronic Feature Group


 Anti-Theft - Active Anti-Theft Alarm Horn with Integral Battery (G1791765) / Removal and Installation

SPECIAL TOOL(S) REMOVAL NOTE: Removal steps in this procedure may contain installation details. WARNING: Make sure to support the vehicle with axle stands. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to: F

 Anti-theft - Active

COMPONENT LOCATION Central Junction Box (CJB) Instrument Cluster (IC) Immobilizer Antenna Unit (IAU) Smart key Radio Frequency (RF) receiver Battery Back-Up Sounder (BBUS) Hood switch Tailg

 Anti-Theft - Active/ Description

Description The door modules provide the interface between the door latch motors, the door and latch switches and the Central Junction Box (CJB). The door modules provide door micro switch status info


 Piston Cooling Oil Jets Solenoid

The piston cooling oil jets solenoid is located on the left side of the cylinder block, below the thermostat housing. The solenoid is located in a port in the cylinder block and sealed with an O-ring seal. A screw secures the solenoid in the cylinder block. The piston cooling oil jets solenoid c

 Oil Seals

Never use a seal which has been improperly stored or handled. Take great care when removing old seals that the sealing surfaces and seal housing are not damaged. Carefully examine seal before installing to make sure that it is clean and undamaged. Make sure that the surface on which the se

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